Tech Talk:  Our SecureNETWORK platform is fully managed by our engineers and includes a UTM firewall, WIFI, antivirus, automatic Microsoft & 3rd party security patch management and 24/7/365 monitoring.  Our platform is constantly tested to ensure we are protecting our clients from ransomware, malware, DDoS attacks and intrusions.  

What it means:  It’s a virtual fence for your network that keeps the bad stuff out, but the security guard also mows the lawn and trims the trees!

Tech Talk:  Our team continuously monitors your network and delivers regular reports on security status.  Your office isn’t consumed with losing valuable staff time and money by having to worry about security gaps, expiring security software and compliance.

What it means:  Not worrying about viruses and downtime = more $$.  Time for a change?


Evaluation & Consultation

You'd be surprised just how often we see passwords like this. Don't do it!  The easiest way to protect yourself is to use better passwords. We're happy to evaluate your existing network and make recommendations. We're always implementing new techniques to more effectively protect your practice.

active management

We have a very hands-on approach to network management. We keep you safe and up-to-date by automatically installing security fixes from Microsoft, Adobe, and Java. We also monitor for problems with hardware, antivirus, windows applications, and many other items that would generally require a call to tech support.  Often we have it fixed before you even noticed it! 

Photo by baona/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Vertigo3d/iStock / Getty Images

Managed Security

You've probably noticed by now, we take security seriously. Our platform includes antivirus/antimalware on all workstations, as well as a second layer of security at the perimeter of your network. Our firewall includes many technologies designed to protect your network from hackers and malware infections, including malicious software and advanced threat detection, intrusion prevention, botnet detection, as well as data loss prevention which monitors for sensitive data being transmitted without encryption.